[Freeipa-interest] Announcing bind-dyndb-ldap version 4.3
Petr Spacek
2014-04-09 17:06:19 UTC
The FreeIPA team is proud to announce bind-dyndb-ldap version 4.3.

It can be downloaded from https://fedorahosted.org/released/bind-dyndb-ldap/

The new version has also been built for Fedora 20 and and is on its way to

== Changes in 4.3 and 4.2 ==
[1] LDAP update processing was fixed to prevent BIND from crashing during

[2] Record parsing was fixed to prevent child-zone data corruption in cases
where parent zone example.com was hosted on the same server as child zone
sub.example.com. (This bug was introduced in version 4.0.)

== Upgrading ==
A server can be upgraded by installing updated RPM. BIND has to be restarted
manually after the RPM installation.

*Make sure that BIND can write to working directory as described in README*
before you restart BIND.

You will need to clean up configuration file /etc/named.conf if your
configuration contains typos or other unsupported options.

Downgrading back to any 3.x version is supported as long as record types not
supported by old version are not utilized.

== Feedback ==
Please provide comments, report bugs and send any other feedback via the
freeipa-users mailing list:
Petr Spacek @ Red Hat